Outstanding customer service
Fast and reliable shipping
Orders processed in 1 day
Commitment to excellence
Delivery to more than 170 countries around the globe
Genuine luxury brands
Genuine designer apparel, shoes, handbags , jewellery and accessories
All products 100% authentic From Authorised and reputable sources
Over 20,000 luxury items
More than 100 designer brands
Great products and brand selection
Easy navigation
Outstanding customer service
Fast and reliable shipping
Orders processed in 1 day
Commitment to excellence
Genuine luxury brands
All products 100% authentic From Authorised and reputable sources
Over 20,000 luxury items
More than 100 designer brands
Great products and brand selection
Easy navigation

Let's do this

Customer Service

Monday – Thursday 8 – 16
Friday 8 – 15 UK Time

Phone  +44 800 1404640
Email: shop@bluemarbletrending.com

Press Contact

Global Marketing

Email: shop@bluemarbletrending.com 


Blue Marble Trending Ltd.

9335 Richmond Road

London WC43 9GC

Can We Help?

Our team was handpicked for their understanding of materials, process and passion for fashion. Whether you are browsing our site or visiting our store, we are always willing to share our deep knowledge and understanding of our makers and their craft.

The most commonly asked questions are covered in Our FAQs. If you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to contact us by completing this form or calling our customer services team on +44 800 1 404640

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